176. Jesus Says Give To The Needy In Quiet (Matt 6:1)
Making Disciples with Cris RogersJune 25, 2023
25:5547.48 MB

176. Jesus Says Give To The Needy In Quiet (Matt 6:1)

176. Jesus Says Give To The Needy In Quiet (Matt 6:1)

As Jesus continues to walk us through his upside down kingdom we get to these verses on giving to those in need but making we do it on the quiet. No big performances in our generocity!

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To get a copy of What If We Knew What God Knows About Us head here... https://www.eden.co.uk/christian-books/personal-life/christian-life/what-if-we-knew-what-god-knows-about-us/


The Big Church Read... https://thebigchurchread.co.uk/restore-renew-rebuild/

To get a copy of Apprentice to Jesus head here... https://www.eden.co.uk/devotional/apprentice-to-jesus-cris-rogers


Rev Cris Rogers is a church leader at allhallowsbow.org.uk and Director of Making Disciples. Chair of the Spring Harvest Planning Group. For more information check out wearemakingdisciples.com #Heart #Hands #Heart